The Team

Laurie DeDecker, RN is a founding member of the Canary Homes project. She is a nurse consultant and wellness provider through her single proprietor companies DeDecker Consulting, LLC and Woodsedge Wellness Center.
Jessie is Laurie’s daughter with ME/CFS, MCAS, MCS and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome whose disability income only allowed her access to substandard housing, which caused a profound decline in her health after three years of occupancy. In Barry County, MI where she lives there are currently no safe, healthy, rental spaces available within her price range, so she is homeless and chronically ill. (Even rental properties above her current income are not chemically safe for someone with her multiple sensitivities.)
Cody Ley is a passionate supporter of the Canary Homes project and founder of Hemp 4 Humanity (H4H). H4H is an organization dedicated to providing plant based housing solutions that are built in cooperation with the natural environment.
Since 2021 H4H has worked on building and supporting the Michigan hemp supply chain from the farm up. They use 100% Michigan grown hemp to create all natural health supplements of which we use a portion of the proceeds to go towards building safe, acacessible and sustainable healthy hempcrete housing with their crew of licensed contractors specializing in hemp lime applications.
Blain Becktold is a founding member of iHemp Michigan and has spent over 27 years with the USDA Farm Service Agency, aiding farmers in navigating Government Farm Programs.
Post-retirement, he founded Down On The Farm to assist farmers in securing program benefits. Blain now focuses on the hemp industry, ensuring compliance with FDA regulations and producing high-quality hemp products such as Hemp Seed Oil, Hemp Protein Flour, Hemp Protein Cake, and Hemp Hearts. His expertise in sustainable agriculture aligns with Canary Homes' mission to create affordable, healthy homes for individuals suffering from ME/CFS and other chronic illnesses, by contributing to safer, more sustainable living solutions.
Luca Pandolfi used his experience in marketing, sales, and content creation to start his own freelance marketing firm; Pandolfi Productions. He now offers a broad spectrum of marketing services, everything from graphic design to website development and sales strategy.
Luca became invested in the concept of Canary Homes after meeting Laurie and Jessie while working on a contract. He became increasingly supportive of the project through the development phase as he got to know Jessie and Laurie. Pandolfi Productions has since provided all the design and marketing services needed to get the project off the ground.